Galileo’s Daughter

“The excellent performer Emily Bosco…plays this compelling character with a veracity and intellectual curiosity that anchors this new play as well as could be imagined.” - Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune

Emily Bosco, who makes her Chicago Theatre debut as the Daughter, is simply superb. Eloquent, fervent, sometimes child-like, but always mesmerizing, Ms. Bosco should soon become a familiar face on Windy City stages.” - Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review

“Bosco makes the deep, powerful love between this woman and her incarcerated father almost palpable.” - Karen Topham, Chicago Onstage

“Bosco is a very adept actress who finds and displays all sorts of nuances in her character. While [she] has a clear talent for delivering dialogue, she doesn’t need words to convey emotions. The scene in which she reluctantly enters the convent, giving up freedom for the rest of her life, is one of the most powerful in the entire production. Bosco’s face and body say it all.” - Rikki Lee Travolta, Northwest Herald

“Maria Celeste Galilei…[is] portrayed by Emily Bosco with soulful forthrightness.” - Kerry Reid, Chicago Reader


“Bosco’s naturally funny and a joy to watch.” - Jacquinn Sinclair, WBUR

How I Learned to Drive

“Emily Bosco, Female Greek Chorus, delivers one of the rawest and most impactful monologues that I’ve ever heard as Aunt Mary.” - Nicole Noel, Triangle Arts and Entertainment

“Rounded out by the vigorous talents of a vivacious Emily Bosco…this show is a worthy addition to the PlayMakers‘ commitment to dauntless storytelling.”
- Melanie Simmons, Triangle Arts and Entertainment

“Cornell is unnerving as Uncle Peck... Bosco is equally captivating in the chorus, giving conflicting advice as Lil’ Bit’s mother and Uncle Peck’s patient wife, upholding the patriarchy in both roles.” - Katy Koop, INDY Week

Significant Other

A nuanced Emily Bosco is the sensitive BFF Laura, whose feathers remain unruffled until Jordan’s inevitable, painful outpouring of truth. This scene is one of the most personally relevant and affecting monologue[s] I have experienced in the theatre, earning from me a brief--and unheard of--public sob.” - Dustin K. Britt, Chatham Life & Style

Bosco’s soft and brutally honest portrayal of Laura… add[s] much to the heart of the story.
- Susie Potter, Triangle Arts and Entertainment

Laura (Emily Bosco) is Jordan’s best friend, but their relationship is tested in a fine spat that they have... Bosco is a good match for Gephart in that scene. It tingles.” - Martha Keravuori and Chuck Galle, Triangle Arts and Entertainment

Gephart and Bosco get the tough love right, matching each other blow for blow.”
- Byron Woods, INDY Week



“Whoa - Lady Macbeth actually freaked me out with that blood-curdling shriek! Her trembling hands, the wild tresses, the unraveling beauty - she really got to me. Nicely done y’all!” - PlayMakers Mobile patron